#GRx4ANTED Video Submissions

These are all the videos submitted through the #GRx4ANTED campaign. This is used internally for review only and not for public use at this time.

What do you take for granted?

Share something that you take for granted. Your participation will result in the donation of medicines!

Onitt #FathersDay
Richard #FathersDay
Bhavi #freedom
Crystal #MothersDay
Elizabeth #MothersDay
Leslie #MothersDay
Nathan #MothersDay
Shamekka #MothersDay
Sheel #MothersDay
Liz #MothersDay
Steve #MothersDay
Tina #NationalDogDay
Aditee #NationalDogDay
Stacie #Summer
Joel #Summer
Michael #Summer
Dan #Summer
Joe #Summer
Iris #Summer
Ilana #Summer